
Konstantin Forestier

The shilling is now
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
Sylvia Manning - Baumgartner
Nicole D´Incecco
Only one has to consider the following: The Seipl the Austrian currency with many foreign and rehabilitated millions but had to take into account that his financial conduct of foreign countries, by the people, which - having given the credit is checked. And he succeeded. That is, in December 1924, I think, has changed the Seipl then from the crown currency, the shilling currency. And a former Austrian Schilling was 10 000 crowns. And once you think about: Who has that time already ghabt 10,000 Austrian crowns? But still the Seipl has spent it. Even the monitoring by the lender was lifted. And the state has for some time to completely recover reasonably well. To - I do not know if you have ever even heard of it - the so-called credit - - Bank crash, which was then much later. And has led to this Bank and the Rothschilds have had debts together over 200 million shillings. And that was something incredible. It has, however, the House of Rothschild had pulled out of pretty soon the affair and is away from Vienna, was somewhere in England, I think. Well, that would be once the first thing I have to tell you